Add on Software for the Flexus COBOL Tools
Many of our customers applaud our introduction of the various add on tools
for our base development tools because it allows them to pick and
choose which features and components they want to implement. This
allows us to maintain a high standard of quality and reliability
for our base products and avoid the serious problems associated with feature
bloat commonly found in products which attempt to support for as
many features as possible in a single development tool.

TCPSimple Add on – Requirements: COBOL sp2 and the ActiveX Add On
TCPSimple provides support for creation and use of basic
TCP/IP socket connections for communication via TCP/IP based networks. TCPSimple does NOT handle encapsulation of popular
internet protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 etc. It does not
handle secure sockets or SSL and is not aware of HTTP tunneling or
proxy servers. What it does do however, is give you simple, easy
access to socket based communications by handling selected portions
of the interface to the Windows Winsock2 API. TCPSimple can be used to implement basic Socket Clients
and servers, and allows two way communication over
TCP/IP Sockets.
One interesting feature when you use the control
with COBOL sp2 is that you can setup the control to listen for a
connection and then continue your normal processes. An event will
be fired when a connection is pending, allowing you to manage the
connection when it is required, but still continue to process other
aspects of your application without waiting endlessly for a connection.