Evaluation Software Downloads

Flexus COBOL Programming Tools You Can Download Now

The evaluation software available here can be downloaded now if your web browser supports ftp (file transfer protocol). Click on one of the links below if you wish to download a copy of the demo.

Web Client/X – Web Browser Graphical User Interface Screens Using ANSI Standard COBOL CALL USING Statements

PLEASE NOTE: Also download the COBOL sp2 Evaluation version to create the web browser user interface screens.  You should download the 32 bit version of Web Client/X ONLY if your COBOL compiler is a 32 bit compiler.  Contact Flexus if you wish to compile your source code in a 64 bit depth level.

32 bit version of Web Client/X Version 5.3.36 for ALL 32 bit Windows Server Environments

Web Client/X for All Windows Compatible COBOL Compilers

COBOL sp2 Graphical User Interface Development System – GUI Screens Using ANSI Standard COBOL CALL Statements

32 bit version of COBOL sp2 Version 5.2.124 for ALL 32 bit versions of Windows

PLEASE NOTE: You should download the 32 bit version of COBOL sp2 ONLY if your COBOL compiler is a 32 bit compiler.

For Acucobol 85
For Fujitsu NetCOBOL

For mbp Visual COBOL
For Micro Focus COBOL
For CA-Realia COBOL
For Liant RM/COBOL

64 bit version of COBOL sp2 Version 5.3.40 

PLEASE NOTE: You should download the 64 bit version of COBOL sp2 ONLY if your COBOL compiler is a 64 bit compiler.

For Acucobol 85
For Micro Focus COBOL
For Fujitsu NetCOBOL
For Ryan McFarland COBOL

COBOL FormPrint – Use the Windows Print Manager to Print Incredible Looking Forms… In COBOL

Here’s our evaluation version of COBOL FormPrint, the first and only tool which allows you to print great looking forms using the Windows Print Manager and ANSI Standard COBOL. FormPrint supports fonts, colors, bitmaps line drawing and many other features to make your forms look as professional as possible.

32 bit version of FormPrint Ver 5.2.91 for ALL 32 bit versions of Windows

PLEASE NOTE: You should download the 32 bit version of COBOL FormPrint ONLY if your COBOL compiler is a 32 bit compiler.

For Acucobol 85
For Fujitsu NetCOBOL
For mbp Visual COBOL
For Micro Focus COBOL
For CA-Realia COBOL
For Liant RM/COBOL

64 bit version of FormPrint Ver 5.2.91

PLEASE NOTE: You should download the 64 bit version of COBOL FormPrint ONLY if your COBOL compiler is a 64 bit compiler.

For Acucobol 85
For Fujitsu NetCOBOL
For Micro Focus COBOL

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