Add on Software for the Flexus COBOL Tools
Many of our customers applaud our introduction of the various add on tools for our base development tools because it allows them to pick and choose which features and components they want to implement. This allows us to maintain a high standard of quality and reliability for our base products and avoid the serious problems associated with feature bloat commonly found in products which attempt to support for as many features as possible in a single development tool.

APISimple Add on – Requirements: COBOL sp2 and the ActiveX Add on
APISimple provides support for using selected non-user interface Windows API features frequently useful to COBOL programmers. This allows the COBOL programmer to utilize these APIs in a friendly and familiar COBOL-oriented fashion.
Many of these features are especially useful in a thin client environment where the Windows API may not be invoked directly.
APISimple also supports many other complex, non user interface features supported as well, which include, but not limited to:
- Basic Async communications
- Mutex creation and detection
- Find a window by title (returns handle)
- Show a window by handle
- Grab focus (by window handle)
- Get the logged on users user name
- Get the computers name
- Get the network card address for all network cards installed
- Compute an MD5 hash from a string
- Read and write binary files
- Get information about a file
- Find a file
- Get date/time/size
- Update a files last update date
- Delete a file
- Delete files using wild cards
- Determine the current screen resolution
- Copy the image on the clipboard to a BMP file
- Copy the image on the clipboard to a JPG file
- Convert a BMP to a JPG file
- Get version information about an exe, dll or ocx file. (Same thing that shows when you right click and choose Properties from Explorer)
- Kill a process when you know the window title of one of the windows associated with the process
- Access a shared memory block from different running programs
- Shell – Execute a program
- Actually more powerful that just program execution.
- If you pass the name of a PDF file it will open the PDF with Acrobat.
- If you pass a URL for a web site, it opens the default web browser
- You can pass and the default mail client will be started with the To: address filled in
- A shell function is available that either waits for the started process to complete or returns immediately
- Find A file
- Determine Current Directory
- Create a Directory
- Get an UNC path/Name
- Get Dialog base units
- Convert a file time to a readable format
- Remove a directory
- Rename/Move a file
- Retrieve the current domain name
- Retrieve the short file name
- Sleep
- Simple zip file creation and extraction